Book Cover Preview

Posted: April 9, 2014 in Dialog, Prose
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This is the first idea my publisher put together for the cover of my book. What do you think? If anyone has suggestions for suitable images in the public domain, I’d appreciate you letting me know.  I’ve checked nearly everything on Google. Because of privacy reasons, and regards for my safety, I can’t use actual photos of the people who have participated in these conversations.

The first book will be three hundred and seventy pages. I have a second book in the works of about four hundred pages. Prices will be kept low, to make it affordable to everyone. All proceeds will go to the people I have written about.

The stories will continue as soon as the weather improves. I see Chuck most mornings, but everyone else is staying indoors to keep warm.


  1. Just Patty says:

    I think it looks great! I love the image, it fits the title very well.
    Lots of love


    • Hi Patty, thanks for your comment. I have submitted one of my drawings. I think it will make an even better cover. The coloring and general layout will remain the same. I love your covers for “Dragan Duma” and “My Wings”. ~ Dennis


  2. I like the cover! Looking forward to the book!


  3. Ben Naga says:

    This cover looks fine to me. Good luck with this, Dennis.


  4. I’m personally drawn to this cover. I love the beams of light shining down on the person. It feels warm and enlightening. The subtle touches are absolutely perfect. Having ‘Gotta Find a Home’ as white says your message is pure and honest. Followed by ‘Conversations with the Homeless’ in black foretelling that your message might not be the brightest picture painted. It comes together so well. I think this was a great first attempt!


    • I like this cover as well. I want to keep the same general feel, but with my own image. Thanks for your comment. I love your post “Communal Community”. We should all be so lucky to be raised in a community such as yours. ~ Dennis


  5. Reblogged this on Karenzo Media Editing & Layouts and commented:
    Pleased to be working with Dennis on this project!


  6. Pleased to be working with Dennis on this project! The title of the book will actually be Gotta Find a Home: Conversations with Street People. This cover is just a sample of the style we will be using…the picture here is not in the public domain (Credit: Arman Zhenikeyev via Shutterstock)) …we just used it for layout ideas.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I really like the cover..


  8. Congratulations!! That’s exciting. I know a few book designers if you want leads for cover design. I’m drawn to the spirit of your interviewees and how so often they speak about the same things people with homes speak of “sports, the weather…” so with that said, I don’t think this current cover does your work justice. It needs to be less of a pity party and more of the true essence of being human these people have to offer. My two cents 😉


  9. Congratulations, I love the cover!


  10. UreshaM says:

    I like the tone of the cover by using black and white. The only suggestion I have would be to play around with different fonts.


    • Yes, I agree, a different font would be more appropriate. Thanks for your comment, especially coming from a graphic designer. I love your post “If I could be anywhere”. ~ Dennis


      • UreshaM says:

        You’re welcome, Dennis :)I’m glad you enjoyed my post, it’s always nice knowing that people actually read my stuff and enjoy it too. I love writing fiction & blogging allows me to pursue this love – in small doses.


  11. susanddhavle says:

    Maybe a face visible? As it is homeless people barely have an identity. I’m not saying it’s awful or anything, though.


  12. anchorRock4 says:

    Such a moving cover.


  13. Love it, Dennis! Looking forward to reading your book. i have the deepest respect for what you do.


  14. elletodd says:

    If you’re looking for something else, might I suggest stopping by DeviantArt? Many of the artists there are quite reasonable. In fact, some of them are more than willing to exchange a photograph for nothing more than proper credit in your book.
    (A google image search for “homeless deviantart” will give you a quick idea what’s available–which is a lot)
    Good luck!


    • I am honored and humbled that you have visited my blog. I have just downloaded, “The Elect (Allison’s Story)”. I can’t wait to start reading. Thanks for your advice concerning DeviantArt. I have found an artist for the cover. ~ Dennis


      • elletodd says:

        Thank you! I hope you enjoy it.

        I’m glad you’ve found an artist. Though I didn’t see anything wrong with your initial image, book covers are such an important aspect of marketing, and I wish you every success. Your project is commendable, and I’m very much looking forward to the release.


  15. deweydecimalsbutler says:

    The cover looks good. It shows the picture, but the stairs leading up and the light on them create a feel of upwardness and hope. When contrasted with the title, it creates a sort of push and motivates. As someone who hasn’t been privy to this project, the cover says to me that this book isn’t one of despair or blame. I get the impression it is one of hope and an attempt to solve a serious problem.


  16. I think she looks to well dressed for the part. I think you need to have a man that is scuffy looking. His jacket or clothes need to be grimy or worm out more and maybe with his belongings in grocery cart on wheels.


  17. jagarrett says:

    Yeah, the cover looks fine to me as is. I especially like that it’s black and white.


  18. I like the black and white theme you have going here — I think it corresponds really well with the book’s subject matter. However, I would definitely say don’t use Times New Roman font. If you like the look, use another serif font — as soon as I see Times New Roman on a book cover, my first thought is “Low quality alert!”. So switch that out, and I think you’ve got a winner 🙂


  19. Sonnische says:

    Hi Dennis, congrats! I love your writing. Have you tried Getty Images? I read that the images are free to use now. I tried it yesterday but didn’t do it right, I guess. But it’s worth checking. Think you just have to give them credit. Let me know what you find out, please! Best to you in this exciting development.


    • denib14 says:

      Hi Dennis – I like the feel of this cover, but I have to admit that my initial thought was that it is a little ‘neat’ and sort of clinical. I agree with Louise Wahler that what makes you different is your companionship and the way you… the fact that you care in a logical way (if that makes any sense).
      Perhaps a real photo with permission? Perhaps if you could let a photographer shadow you?… just a thought.
      And keep doing what you are doing x


  20. Hello Dennis, I’ve been reading your blog for several months now. One thing that comes through to me is the companionship your friends enjoy. That seems to be a less-told story and might differentiate your writing and book from others. The sample image doesn’t convey that difference. It sets the same grim lonely tone of so many other writings on the topic. I can’t help wondering if a person with a dog or two people together might not better capture the essence of your stories.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Christina says:

      I couldn’t agree more with this comment! Part of the beauty of these stories is the element of friendship and companionship. So many images and stories of homelessness already focus on the solitary nature of it, but the relationships you write about are so compelling.

      Congrats on the book!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • And me three! I find that’s the beauty of the stories you share, the sense of togetherness and companionship and mutual support. It would be great to challenge the accepted view, which I think you do so well in your writing, but this image doesn’t capture. I’m so pleased you’re going to create books of these stories, and I love that the proceeds will directly help those who gave them life. I look forward to buying them. Blessings on you, your friends and this project. Harula xxxx

        Liked by 1 person

  21. jmlol says:

    It’s an excellent cover. Can’t wait.


  22. rvraiment says:

    Only reservation I have is the layout of the text. The ‘Conversations’ part ‘swinging’ out to the left just looks a tad wrong somehow.


  23. Love it. Will you be publishing Kindle version to Amazon? Looking forward to its release.


  24. Pam says:

    I enjoy and appreciate your conversation with Chuck. The fact that you plan to publish your book encourages me to work on publishing my work! Thanks.


  25. Gerri says:

    Dennis, your cover is perfect. It immediately pulls you into sympathy. I think you are amazing to undertake this wonderful story compilation. Good luck with your book. I’ll be a buyer as soon as it’s available! Gerri


  26. Yes, Kitt…it will be available in digital version as well. 🙂


  27. I love the cover. My only suggestion, make your name at least the same size as the title of the book. Congrats on getting TWO! books out.


  28. Basharr says:

    Dennis, I wish you the best of luck with this book and it is my hope that you sell many copies. What you are doing is quite astounding and it is a worthwhile cause. Bravo.


  29. Reblogged this on Homewriters Hub and commented:
    I like your book cover


  30. glenn2point0 says:

    Hey Dennis, the cover looks good and the black and white heightens the feelings the image stirs in me.


  31. TheMitchNiche says:

    The subtitle is a little difficult to read on the background. Other than that, I think it looks excellent!


  32. Myas says:

    I think the cover is fine.


  33. If you were using that cover image, I’d put the subtitle in small caps right under the title so it is clearly visible in one line with a single step behind it to frame it. That gives the image more room to breathe. I really like the rest of the design, including placement of your name.


  34. billlabrie says:

    Dennis, I need to be honest: I think it’s lame. I’ve admired your work and your dedication. They can do a lot better than this. It doesn’t suit the gravity of the issue at all, and almost washes out upon first being seen. If you want I can put you in touch with some very affordable graphic designers who can do far more justice to your subject matter than this.


  35. tt4r says:

    Amazing, your engagement and bringing to life, for everyone.


  36. Atikah says:

    I don’t know, I think I prefer a cover that shows a “face”, especially books dealing with people and social issues. It gives a much more humanised look to the book and brings in interest. This one seems sombre in the get-go and might repel readers who are interested in the stories but not sure whether they want to take on an emotional ride.


  37. Deborah says:

    The cover looks great! And you are awesome for your dedication and generosity!


  38. annamayfair says:

    Dennis, first congratulations on the pending publishing of your book. I think this conceptual cover offers the impact of being homeless and the loneliness that must be apart of that situation. Your writings open others eyes to the street life and I think a cover of this style will draw people to read your book. All the best and again congratulations.


  39. Maybe a photo that depicts a conversation (or at least shows more than one person)?


  40. erobles1963 says:

    Dennis, I like the metaphor — the homeless soul next to the stairs…one can only go ‘up’ from the bottom of despair. So glad to hear you have books coming out and that those you’ve written about will benefit! ~ Phil


  41. That should be a great book. Much-needed. 10 years ago, I was homeless for a few months, and really enjoyed some of the people I met. Can I sign up somewhere in advance to get a copy when it’s released?


  42. The cover does not do justice to your writing and your theme. The background is not interesting, dominates in an unpleasant way, and doesn’t convey the destitute circumstances of the figure. A back alley littered with debris and him on his cardboard “mat” would work better. Or the stark contrast of a thriving Wall Street type setting with your destitute man.You also need a different typeface that better reflects the mood and the message. This typeface looks like the heading on a term paper! You’ve got a great story. Make it a great cover. I’m going to a workshop this morning about creating award winning covers. I’ll pass on tips later.


  43. writefitz says:

    Looks very poignant and appropriate for the title!


  44. As a general rule of thumb, colour sells. So I think this image, though wonderful, just won’t attract attention in a bookshelf. Also, it oculd be anywhere, and as someone else mentioned, your stories are about a community, so you need more people. Hope this helps and good luck with it.


  45. […] Find a Home and is looking to publish his interactions with the homeless in book form. He posted a possible Cover idea on his blog. But my creative juices got going and I thought of another idea and title. Just my […]


  46. magiecrystal says:

    Really awesome, kudos to you for getting these stories out there.


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