Want to know an addict’s mind?

Posted: October 13, 2014 in Uncategorized

Want to know an addict’s mind?.

  1. Wow…thank you for reblogging this!


    • I found that this expresses the feelings of many of my friends, many of whom have died over the past four years. They know they have an addiction, know it will kill them, but they continue drinking, smoking or injecting. It’s the same everyday.


  2. No and yes. Those that are mine, are recovering addicts. They are in my heart. Deep. In my constant prayers, and nightmares sometimes.


    • Recovering from addiction is a very difficult process that a person must commit to for life. I pray for my friends who are addicts and those who are trying to recover. Both groups need understanding and compassion to build their self esteem.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. treyzguy says:

    Reblogged this on Imagine…. and commented:
    This is honest. This is straight.
    The problem is that we keep saying the same things over and over until no one will listen anymore.
    Can you blame them?
    Of course we can….we’re addicts.
    We have no problem blaming others for our weaknessess.
    We blame ourselves; sometimes, but we get over it and accept that we can’t help ourselves, that we are powerless.
    Yes, we are weak.
    Yes, we are selfish….
    Yes, we are sick.
    No, we have no idea why we are the way we are.
    We are truly the backseat drivers in our own lives.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Heartafire says:

    Just happened on this. It is hard to know an addicts mind if you are not an addict but I came to know and love and addict…in the end he drank himself to death.


    • My brother and nephew drank themselves to death. As you say “it is hard to know an addict’s mind if you are not an addict…” in the past five years I’ve watched seven addicts drink themselves to death, and they knew they were dying — one of life’s mysteries.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Heartafire says:

        I’m sorry to hear that Dennis, I lost a very dear soul a while back to alcoholism and like you say, he knew it was killing him but he lost the battle. It is a mystery for those of us who are not in the clutches of addiction.


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